Jæja, þeir voru nú ekki lengi að afgreiða þetta. Ég er víst allt of efnilegur starfskraftur í þessa vinnu. If only this had come up five years ago!!!!
Hér er official PFO (please fuck off) bréfið:
Dear Mr Buchan,
We would like to confirm receipt of your application for the position of Consular and Office Assistant.
After careful review of your application it was decided by the Interview Committee that your qualifications are substantially higher than the requirements set for the position, this being classified at the assistant and not the officer level. It was also felt by the Committee that within a short space of time, you would probably no longer find the duties challenging.
As result of above, an invitation to attend an interview at the Embassy will not be extended.
We would like to thank you for your interest and also wish to inform you that your CV will be kept on file for a minimum of 6 months and should something come up in the officer category, the Embassy will be in touch.
Yours sincerely
Thomas B_____
Management Consular Officer
Ég get samt ekki sagt að ég bjóst ekki við þessu. Þeir vildu frönsku og enskumælandi starfsmann með "góðri kunnáttu" á íslensku og menntaskólaskírteini. Kannski var mastersgráðan frá Keimbridds smá overkill?
Þannig að ég mun ekki flytja heim alveg strax. Sorry for getting everyone´s hopes up.
Nú jæja, kannski næst... Fyrirgefðu annars hvað ég er lélegur að skilja eftir athugasemdir hjá þér, ég kíki samt reglulega á þig... :)
overqualified smoversmualified -
jaeja. tha hef eg enn lengri sens a ad kikja i heimsokn a medan eg er herna megin vid atlantshafid...
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