

I'm learning to appreciate a certain individual in my past much better lately. That person is Egill Gunnarsson, the director of Silfur Egils (the choir doesn't exist anymore, but I know that there are many old members with fond memories). I supposed I just never appreciated the amount of work and frustration and disappointment that goes into directing a choir on a regular basis.

Here I am, the night before my men's choir rehearsal, trying desperately to find new music. I thought I had it all sorted out, in fact I know that I did. I had all three pieces chosen a few weeks ago, I think I did it just after the last performance. But then I got an email from one of the counter-tenors (the last one), telling me he wouldn't be able to make it. Which leaves me with three pieces for ATTB and no A.

But hey, things have been looking brighter on the romantic front, so I suppose I shouldn't complain. I've suffered with enforced celibacy long enough, I think.

Oh, one more point that I almost forgot to mention. I bought my first copy of 'The Weather Makers' today to give away as a gift. Joseph (my dear cousin) was in town, and we had a great visit, as usual. On the way to work this morning, I asked him to stop at McNally Robinson and picked one up for him. That makes one copy given, and the original leant out once.



what a drag

Well, things have been rather exciting lately, despite the fact that I've made no progress on sharing copies of 'The Weather Makers'. I did lend my copy to E____ (someone that I should probably tell more about later), but that's it so far. The main reason for that...? Bank issues.

I won't bother boring you with all the details. Suffice it to say that the bank reversed 2 cheques without calling me. Then, when I had rewritten the cheques and transferred money in to cover them, they took a double loan payment and reversed them again. When all the smoke cleared, the charges from SCU and my apartment management company added up to over $150. If SCU hadn't given me a temporary overdraft, I wouldn't have had enough for my rent.

The weekend was very entertaining, in a painful sort of way. I was supposed to go out with a couple of friends/co-workers for a game of golf after the Singer's dress rehearsal. One of them cancelled, so the other person and I decided to just get some dinner. There has been something brewing between her and me (I think), and this was our first time doing something outside of work.

It took us a while to choose a restaurant, but we decided on one at the Forks. We walked in, found out there was a wait of an hour, and decided to sit in the lounge. On our way through the restaurant, we bumped into a table of people from work who had met for a going-away party. That would have been enough to start some healthy rumours, but it gets even better than that. The people at the table were all from the old department that we both worked in previously, and included her ex-boyfriend whom she has not seen outside of work since they broke up. Couldn't have been more perfect. The evening did go well, and we rented a movie to watch at her place, but I felt a bit wierd about trying anything after the restaurant fiasco.

Why can't this stuff ever just be easy?